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Hiding in my head lei100,00lei130,00
Hiding with my insecurities lei100,00lei130,00

Hiding behind my patterns


This is an 20×25 cm art print made on a cotton art paper of 300g and it comes signed on the back. If I have frames available, you will find the option here at each art print. And also if you are from Bucharest and you want your order as soon as possible, we can meet in Cismigiu area and so,you won’t have to pay the shipping or wait extra days for your order to arrive.  Please send me an email or write me on facebook/instagram so we can set up a meeting. Thank yo so much for your order! You keep the dream alive.

Printul de arta este imprimat pe hartie de bumbac de 300g si vine semnat pe spate. Daca am si rame disponibile, veti gasi aceasta optiune aici in shop, la fiecare print in parte. De asemenea, daca sunteti din Bucuresti si vreti sa primiti comanda cat mai repede, ne putem intalni in zona Cismigiu si astfel  nu va trebui sa platiti transportul sau sa asteptati zile in plus sa va vina pachetul. Va rog sa imi scrieti un mail sau sa luati legatura cu mine pe facebook/instagram si sa stabilim o intalnire. Multumesc mult pentru sustinere!

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